Thursday, May 20, 2010

Too Much At Risk

Recently the Obama Administration is reviewing a Canadian company's request to build a 2,000 mile underground pipeline that would run from Canada to the Texas Gulf Coast which would increase America's access to oil from our neighbors. Underneath the boreal forests of Western Canada lies valuable oil sands, that are sitting there waiting for thirsty Americans to drain rapidly. Politically I can understand the consideration of having a back up source of oil, if a conflict would occur in Saudi Arabia or China, but the risks and environmental damage cancels out any pros to this plan. Although I think the U.S. is so advance and has so much power, that if such a conflict and shortage would occur, we would be able to cope as a nation, not to mention the help we would receive from the United Nations. Extracting oil from these sands emits more greenhouse gases than normal oil drilling, not to mention the process requires 3 barrels of water for every gallon of oil wasting other resources in the process. A major concern of mine is the actual chunks that would be removed from the world's largest intact forest, misplacing many migratory birds and animals, while removing natural trees absorbing the overflowing amounts of carbon dioxide we already produce!!

There are numerous environmental concerns that I could talk about like the mine pits the site is located on, which produces waste into the ponds and water. If this pipeline known as Pipeline XL would be built how would it be maintained? If there was a crack, a leak, or bust who would fix it? How long would it take? Let's not forget about what just happened in the Gulf of Mexico, this pipeline would not be much different, although the government seems to think it would be easy to maintain...if there was a leak gallons of oil would seep into the ground water..into a major Aquifer, and contaminate most of the Mid-West's well water, and public water. The costs of imported water would go up, animals would suffer from lack of fresh water, not to mention the animals living underground, in lakes, streams, and rivers!! There is already a mini pipeline being built from Canada to Illinois, (thinner and easier to crack) which will go into effect as of June 2010, which is not needed at this time..economically or politically...The Obama Administration is going to decide sometime this coming fall about Pipeline XL, and personally I dont see what needs to be considered, just what needs to be rejected! This is an outrageous proposition looking to support the small percentage of oil-loving-rich-idiots living in America who have no concerns but for themselves in this life time.

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